The Green Children <— Must hear!


The Green Children is a unique European electro-pop duo that, despite the generic typecast, strives for natural and elemental influences in its music because it is their intent to take listeners on a magical journey. This is evident, and I’d say pretty successfully so in TGC’s first single “Dragon,” which has an equally ethereal video to boot (check it out here).

The two group members, Milla and Marlow, from Norway and England respectively, met at school and have been working together as musicians and friends for the past five years across several continents and countless cities. Their work has been described as “a dreamy slice of compelling electro pop with a strong sense of 1980’s power pop songwriting.”

TGC is due to drop its first album, Encounter, this month and we have several of their tracks in the jukebox ready for you to rate! We want to know which of these tracks you think have the potential to be radio hits! So continue reading to learn more about this keenly observant and well-traveled pair below, and then check out “Dragons,” “Black Magic,” and “Life Saviour,” in the HitPredictor jukebox and let us know what you think!

The Green Children interview

How would you define your music?
Although many people like to define music by category, our music has so far not been placed. Personally I have been pleased by this undefined musical observation. Who wants to be typecast anyway? Marlow and I have basically played, written and produced everything on our record so the sound will naturally be derived from who we are as individuals. We have both grown up in magical small towns blessed by exiting history and natural beauty. We humbly hope that these elements have been well reflected in our music and wish for our listeners to be taken on a magical journey. I believe a short description of our sound would be ‘ethereal electro pop’.

How did the two of you form The Green Children? How long have you been playing together?
Marlow and I started as songwriting partners in Liverpool where we met. We formed several bands together all with different names. Whilst studying at the Paul McCartney school we gigged around and rehearsed with our band members who all were great musicians, but when school was coming to an end the band decided to part ways and Marlow and I became a duo with the name TGC. We have now worked together for about five years and though the music business can be tough at times, our friendship and partnership are stronger then ever.

Where is home base for The Green Children? Are you originally from the area? What’s the music scene like there – supportive of your type of music, or do you travel a lot to play shows?
I think our living situation for the last 5 years would best be described as nomadic. Our Foundation work has brought us to places like India, Africa, China, and Bangladesh whilst our music career has taken us to parts of Europe and many cities in America.

Marlow is from England and I originate from Norway, we decided to check out L.A. and New York after our studies to see which boot fit the best. After feeling our bare feet in the California sand we decided on no boots at all! The warm weather and buzz of the L.A. show biz scene was undeniable and was an enticing contrast to our cooler existence so far in Europe. Our time in L.A. has been a mixed bag of sweet and sour candy. We have experienced great people and opportunities, but where there is good there is bad, and we have already been burnt enough times to write a book. However, we are not dead nor broken, only stronger. In L.A. I find myself surrounded by a rainbow of different artists. Everywhere you go you can hear people talking about their new script, acting role or band projects. This is fascinating to someone like me, who comes from a small Nordic fishing town.

Who or what would you say your artistic influences or inspirations are as a band?
Other than being strongly inspired by nature’s beauty and our life experiences, we have both loved artists like Michael Jackson, Enya, Bjork, and The Beatles. Filmic inspiration has also played a big part in our sound and image. Between the two of us, we have seen hundreds of sci-fi, adventure and fantasy movies. Some of our favorites include Star Wars, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, The Labyrinth, Edward Scissorhands and Harry Potter.

Do you write your own lyrics and music? If so, what influences you in the writing process?
We write all of our music and lyrics. Most of the time I focus on the lyrics and melody and Marlow does the music and production but we try to start songs in as many different ways as possible.  Sometimes an idea will begin with the piano or guitar and other times with a beat, lyric or story. The more we mix it up, the more fun we have and the more varied our tracks become!

When I write lyrics I escape to another world where my mind is free to wonder without limits; I’m incredibly visual and imagine the whole story behind what I’m writing. Marlow is very similar in the studio, creating an atmosphere where freedom and improvisation are key creative elements.

Pick a song from any of your albums/EPs to go in-depth about – a “single” if you will – and tell us about the lyrics, inspiration, etc.
‘Dragons’ is an up-tempo song about a girl who has fallen into a fever after recently losing her love. We’ve just released the music video, which continues from another song called ‘Life Was Beautiful’.

We hope people are given a glimpse into who we are and what our album will be like from this song. The video also includes imagery related to legend of The Green Children, a name and myth that literally chose us! It was actually started in a 400-year-old cottage in England. Surroundings and atmosphere are of course very important for inspiration!

It’s an atmospheric electro-pop track, drawing a little from the styles of Michael Jackson meets Enya :)

Tell us about your new album Encounter! How long did you work on it? Does it have a story to tell?
Our music is all about story telling! The title track ‘Encounter’ is definitely quite special for us, because it represents both our journey and the coincidental discovery of The Green Children legend.

Some of the songs are brand new and some are songs we’ve had for a long time. The album was made over quite a prolonged period, mainly because we were caged by different record deals for several years. Every track is like a baby to us, this is first collection that we’re truly happy with, and I feel it’s because we really decided to take control of ALL aspects of our artistic vision.

Do you have any other projects in the works?
Yes, we plan to release ‘Encounter Remixed!’, an album full of great remixes by some massively talented individuals! It is scheduled to come out in November!

Where can people catch a live performance?
We are currently booking dates in LA and NY, so please check out our website for updates shortly!

Where can people look you up online?

September raffle winners at HitPredictor (& new prize for October!)


We’ve drawn the lucky winners for the September raffles at HitPredictor! (Can you believe it is already October?!)

We had three different raffle prizes on order this month – five $50 Amazon Gift Cards, three $100 Amazon Gift Cards, and a Nintendo Wii with Wii Sports Resort!

The winners of the five $50 Amazon Gift Cards are:

  • autumndevin
  • tinydancer3856
  • radiosex
  • fanged_succubus
  • Holly_Luvz_M

The winners of the three $100 Amazon Gift Cards are:

  • bunky123
  • kandie2ra
  • BerCat

And finally, the winner of the Nintendo Wii with Wii Sports Resort is:

  • xgirl

Did you win? If so, you will receive notification shortly from the prize store master and should get your prize in the mail (or e-mail) this week once we verify your address!

If you didn’t win don’t worry, we’ve got a lineup of new prizes ready for October that again include five $50 Amazon Gift Cards, 3 $100 Amazon Gift Cards and the brand new Kindle 3G+WiFi! There are lots of ways to earn points faster at HitPredictor – how about the hidden song contest, Twitter Trivia, or even poll suggestions?!

But remember, the only way to win a raffle is to enter, so don’t miss out on your chance to win and enter today!

Hear new music first – HP

New members’ picks – do you think any of these have hit potential?


As many of you noticed, we had a massive list of excellent nominations for the hidden song contest this week. Well, we certainly don’t want those nominations to go to waste so we have added SIX new tracks picked by our members to the jukebox this morning! We now want you to check these tracks out and let us know whether you think any of these picks from our members have hit potential!

Fresh off Rob Zombie’s latest album Hellbilly Deluxe 2 is a nomination coming from bobbysuehs for “Mars Needs Women.” This is the third track from this album and is a stomping, distorted slab of hard rock fury. Do you think this is classic Zombie rock? Does this track have hit potential?

With a brand new video release Lil Jon’s “Hey” feat. 3OH!3 really has made an impression on tiffnic06 who submitted this track for the jukebox. This track has been featured as one of the theme songs for “Jersey Shore” and the cast makes an appearance along with a seemingly endless stream of beautiful women in the pool-party video. Despite (or in spite of) the Jersey Shore influence, do you think this collaboration has what it takes to be a radio hit?

Jason Aldean’s latest single “My Kinda Party” is a little feel-good bit of country that ziggylover2000 nominated this week. Aldean has had a great year, logging more weeks at No. 1 than any other country artist in the last 15 months as he prepares to release his fourth studio album My Kinda Party. So, we want to know if you think this is another track that will get Aldean on the top of the country charts and get fans stoked to buy the album next month!

HitPredictor member DreamChaser nominated Karmina’s “Slow Down” this week, and we thought we’d give it a shot in the jukebox to see how well it does! This track is best described as being about getting over someone, and wanting to get the “getting over” part over with, and has a unique counterpart chorus not normally heard on radio! Do you think this Indie group could have a radio hit with “Slow Down”?

Our last track from Matt Hires “You In The End” got AMAZING reviews at HitPredictor, and so we are curious as to whether “A to B” will also perform as well. This track was nominated by NEMcCoy and is a new release from the singer/songwriter that just came out in August on his 4-track EP by the same name. Do you think “A to B” also has the potential to be a hit on the radio?

Jerrod Niemann is looking for a successful follow-up to his wildly popular “Lover Lover” with “What Do You Want,” which is now hitting the country airwaves. This track, already a favorite of bunny_77, is a very moody, emotive piece of music that is at the core of country music. Do you think this track can help Niemann solidify a spot as one of country music’s next big superstars?

So, check all of these tracks out in your HitPredictor jukebox now and let us know whether you think our members’ picks are potential hits!

Timberlake talks music – or does he?


Should we expect to see Justin Timberlake headed to the recording studio anytime soon?

Probably not right away – at least not until the time is right for the singer-turned-actor whose supporting role in The Social Network opening today is his most high-profile acting job to date.

When asked during an interview for an Entertainment Weekly cover story when Timberlake plans to record a follow-up to his last release Futuresex/Lovesounds released in 2006 he said he has no sort of timeline or deadline to return to music, and that “I’ll know when I’ll know” when the time is right to hit the studio again.

Timberlake continued saying: “Does a painter make a painting because he has to make it by December 21st? No, he doesn’t. It happens when it pours out of him. That’s how music is for me.”

Billboard reports the star has several other projects due to arrive soon including comedies Friends with Benefits and Bad Teacher.

When asked whether his recent string of acting gigs has made him turn away from music he said “I never stop making music. I don’t know what else to tell you, except that I just don’t know [in] what capacity I want to be involved anymore.”

How long do you think it will be before Timberlake begins to making music again? Do you wish he would record another album?

Hear new music first – HP