DJ Lilly’s picks and predictions, with an eye on the Hot 100 this week!


Hey HP!

I hope everyone had a fantabulous holiday weekend! So, I was gone all weekend and didn’t have much time to rate songs for the week, but I didn’t want to leave you with nothing, so I decided to concentrate on the Hot 100 this week.

I still like both of the Rihanna songs that are on the list and I even tried to buy the new Rihanna album, Loud, on Black Friday, but they were sold out.

I still hate the Ke$ha song (“We R Who We R”) and still don’t really understand why it’s so popular.

Katy Perry’s “Firework” is a good song, and the video is awesome too.

My favorite song on the list is probably Pink’s “Raise Your Glass” (its growing on me).

I also still really like “Just a Dream” by Nelly.

Two songs that are on the Hot 100 that I hope eventually reach the Top 10 are “Please Don’t Go” by Mike Posner (I am really starting to like that song and I find it stuck in my head once in awhile) and “Whip My Hair” by Willow Smith – I think both have pretty much run their course though.

The songs I heard in the jukebox were “Hummingbird Heartbeat” by Katy Perry, which was OK.

Another song I heard was “Last Night” by Good Charlotte, which wasn’t OK. I am really disappointed in them sometimes.

“Hey Alli” by Runner Runner was pretty good, “The One That Got Away” by Katy Perry was alright; but not as good as her previous songs. “Hold My Hand” by Michael Jackson and Akon could’ve been better; but it wasn’t too awful. I still really like “Desperate Girls and Stupid Boys” by Kimberly Caldwell (that is the title according to her website).

Some updated Resolution Radio news, my Holiday Show will be on December 12th at 9 p.m. EST – come listen to some of your favorite holiday tunes (and maybe make some new ones too!). I will be playing some classics and some not-so classics :P. The Top 50 contest window opens tonight (Nov. 30) at 12:01 a.m. and will remain open until Dec. 21 at 11:59 p.m. – check out all the details and rules on our site. In the meantime, please listen to me and Mel as we rock your house 3 times a week (Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday nights) at 9 p.m. EST!

See you next week! – DJ Lilly

DJ Lilly gives us her picks!


I realized the other day that I never really tell you anything about myself. All you really need to know is that I am old enough to have grown up with boy bands blasting out of my stereo and young enough not to be blasting Neil Diamond or Wham; and that I am a huge fan of Christina Aguilera, Nick Lachey, TLC, Lacuna Coil, and Kelly Clarkson. My fave singer, since I was a kid, has been Shanice and I even got to meet her when I was 15 (along with Martina McBride and Olivia Newton-John). I also have mentioned in past blogs that I love Rihanna!

So I noticed that I have been kinda negative in my reviews lately, (mostly because I didn’t like the songs that were in the jukebox) but most of my reviews this week were positive (uh oh). I liked the Kelsey Rey songs that were in the jukebox last week, and I liked the “No Artist” songs that were in the jukebox this week as well. I have no idea who it is; but I am thinking they are boy-band related. I liked the Adam Watts and Yearling songs that were in the jukebox too. I also liked “You Are”, by Jason Castro and “Raise Your Glass” by Pink. I actually saw a tweet, by Ashley Tisdale from earlier today (Monday, Oct. 11), saying that she loves that song. I think Pink has another hit song on her hands.

It was nice to hear Five Finger Death Punch in the jukebox, we need more hard rock in there (except it wasn’t too hard this week). I have never really cared for Cake and their new single, “Sick Of You” still didn’t make me a fan. I really liked Matisse and Akon’s song “Better Than Her” that was in the jukebox last week. I thought “Not Alone” by Sara Bareilles was OK, give it some time to grow on me.

My favorite song of the week goes to “Desperate Boys and Stupid Girls” by Kimberly Caldwell. She did a cover of an Alana Grace (who is a good friend of mine) song earlier this year and I didn’t really like it (great song; but it just didn’t go well with her voice and it was hard for me to like an Alana song, not being sung by Alana-lol). I think this song is really good though (because boys can be desperate and girls can be stupid) and I hope it becomes a radio hit!

What song in the jukebox do you want to become a radio hit? Shoot me an e-mail and let me know! You can also write me with any other song you want my opinion on – I love hearing from you guys! Also, stop by the station’s website and show your support for the best radio station on the net! You can tune in to our DJs on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9 p.m. Eastern! We are huge supporters of HitPredictor too! See you next week, where I will have plenty more to say and more songs to rate! – DJ Lilly, Owner of Resolution Radio (

The winners of the mid-week hidden song contest are…


Thanks to all those who participated in the HitPredictor mid-week hidden song contest! Everyone who participated was a winner of some sort – for each correct song identified we awarded 20 points and entered all participants into the drawing for an additional 250 points!

This week we are happy to award HitPredictor members lilangel923 and sucker1 with the additional 250 bonus points from our random drawing! Congratulations!

The hidden songs this week were “Semi Precious Weapons” by Semi Precious Weapons, and “Mess of You” by Kimberly Caldwell. They are still in the jukebox for you to rate, so make sure you check them out if you haven’t already. Thanks to HitPredictor members trevorstrain269 and dsm112 who nominated the winning songs and earned a 25-point reward just for their nominations making it into the jukebox!

Who wants to play again next week?

If you do, we need your nominations for songs to add to the jukebox! Please submit your nominations on our Facebook Fan Page!

There were so many good nominations last week (check them out here) that we would be happy to see them again as nominations next week!

New music first – HP