Polar extremes means it’s a love or hate week!


Guest blogger and HitPredictor member Nina C. reports on the new music finds and what she liked and didn’t like in the jukebox each week at HitPredictor. Many of these songs are still available so make check them out and let us know whether you agree or disagree! And, make sure you check out Nina’s other blog, TwilightNera’s Entertainment Hotspot for other news in the entertainment world!

The HitPredictor jukebox was filled this week with songs that were neither good nor bad, but simply just not memorable. When I heard them they just didn’t do anything for me. So when I heard songs that really did have an effect on me, they were either really good or really bad.

One of the good songs I heard was Mariah Carey’s “Oh Santa.” I was a big fan of Mariah’s first Christmas CD and was glad to hear that this song could become another Christmas classic for her.

A song I thought was really terrible was “Well, Well, Well” by Duffy. It reminded me of the terrible song in jukebox last week “It’s My Party” by Amy Winehouse. Her voice sounded like a chipmunk and it was really annoying.

I really like the collaboration between Maroon 5 and Lady Antebellum. When I first heard that they were doing a song together I honestly could not see it. However, “Out of Goodbyes” is a really nice bittersweet love song.

Collide” by Kid Rock feat. Sheryl Crow just didn’t do anything for me.  I liked their collaboration “Picture” that was done many years ago, but this song just wasn’t as good. I was really disappointed in Nelly Furtado’s “The Night is Young.” Furtado used to be so great when she was more indie pop, but when she crossed over more into mainstream I think she lost some of her musical talent.

“Rabiosa” by Shakira feat. Pitbull was a pretty good dance song, the two Latin artists work really well together. Crystal Bowersox had another good song in the jukebox called “Lonely.” It followed her routine of good lyrics and good vocals.

Were there any songs in the jukebox that sounded really good to you this week or was it a neutral week for you as well?

Happy rating!

Crystal wins Nina’s top pick this week; see who else she liked!


Guest blogger and HitPredictor member Nina C. reports on the new music finds and what she liked and didn’t like in the jukebox each week at HitPredictor. Many of these songs are still available so make check them out and let us know whether you agree or disagree! And, make sure you check out Nina’s other blog, TwilightNera’s Entertainment Hotspot for other news in the entertainment world!

As I was reviewing my notes I felt really sad because I only had less than a handful of songs I liked this week and two of them I couldn’t talk about! This post may be a little short because I really do not want to draw out all the negativity.

Dondria’s “Where Did We Go” was definitely one of the better songs of the week. She had a really good voice with good lyrics to her song. The song was really about the singing which was so refreshing after this week’s jukebox.  “Don’t Say You Love Me” by Samantha Darnell was a decent pop song; I can really see some potential with her in pop music. My favorite from this week was “Hold On” by Crystal Bowersox. She had an amazing voice and her music actually was saying something.  I love when I hear actual effort put into a song, it is so rare now-a-days. “I’m Doin’ Me” by Fantasia was a well made R&B song I enjoyed it.

What wasn’t well made was “Roman’s Revenge” by Nicki Minaj feat. Eminem. I agree with a lot of people saying what the heck was that? Two of the biggest rappers in the industry couldn’t go harder than that? It was just vulgar and not memorable.  “Poison” by Nicole Scherzinger was such a disappointment! I love her amazing voice and hate that she just settled for mediocre dance music. It’s not even good dance music; I hope other released singles are better. Last but not least is Amy Winehouse’s “It’s my Party.” I was a fan of her debut album back when she was normal. Now she sounds like a terrible drunk trying to sing. How they thought she would sound good I cannot understand at all. There were some other bad songs but those were probably the worst.

Happy hump day and keep on rating! :)

DJ Lilly’s picks and predictions – do you agree with her?


Hey HP!

I have noticed that some of my blogs get really critical and I apologize to anyone (famous or not) who is caught in the crossfire. I am very opinionated (when it comes to music anyway), and that I will not apologize for. I rated A LOT of songs this week at HitPredictor and I am going to try to focus more on the good; but we will see what happens.

I liked “Poison” by Nicole Scherzinger, it was nice to hear something a little bit different from her. Most people consider her the entire PCD group anyway (notice all the other members quit and its now her with new girls). I liked “Off The Chain” by Selena Gomez, but I don’t think it will find the success of her previous singles. I really liked the Samantha Darnell songs that were in the jukebox, she is very talented and I hope we hear more from her in the future (preferably with a record deal)! I liked “Airplanes” by The Ready Set, I thought it was a good remake of an awesome song (the original is one of my favorite songs of 2010 – be sure to tune into my top 50 to see where it ranks at the end of the year)! Although not really new, I did like Default’s “Turn It On. I also liked “Stay the Night” by James Blunt, nice to hear new stuff from him! I am not a country fan, but I must say that I enjoyed Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson’s duet, “Don’t You Want To Stay?” I am a huge Kelly fan and she is still my favorite American Idol Alum. Speaking of American Idol, now this will come to no surprise to anyone that has been reading my blogs the past few months, but my favorite song of the week goes to “Hold On” by Crystal Bowersox (I know, you are shocked). I think it’s a well written song with a good melody and lyrics.

Time to focus on the bad: I didn’t like “Sex On My Money” by John Brown. I thought it was dumb. I didn’t like “Well Well Well” by Duffy either. It wasn’t bad, I just didn’t like it. I must say, I used to like Taylor Swift (a little); but now I am kinda getting tired of her. I also didn’t like “Roman’s Revenge” by Nicki Minaj and Eminem. I thought the song as a whole kinda sucked (I expect better from both performers, especially together). I didn’t like “The Cave” by Mumford and Sons. I just thought it was a dumb song. The worst song of the week award goes to Amy Winehouse for “It’s My Party.” I don’t really like her music anyway and her voice annoys me; but you definitely don’t make your comeback by remaking a classic (unless you can do it really well). I mean just ask Britney Spears (My Prerogative anyone? Yeah, me either).

Last, but not least, I need to bring up the Hot 100 (which I haven’t done in awhile). Ke$ha’s new single, “We R Who We R”, actually made it to number one! I am definitely confused as to how or why. The lyrics are dumb, and the song sounds pretty much like all her past hits (except she really outdid herself this time, it’s pretty bad). I am guessing people like it for the beat, which is the only good part. Pink’s new single, “Raise Your Glass,” is holding steady at number 10 and I really hope it gets higher next week. The rest of the Top 10 hasn’t changed, so not much else to really say about it.

In closing, please show your support for Resolution Radio (my pride and joy of the past 4 years) and tune in every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday night at 9 p.m. Eastern! We appreciate all the support and if you can’t tune in, please spread the word to people that can! My Top 50 show, “It’s Not Billboard; Its Lillboard”, will be on 12/26 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern! The Top 50 contest starts on December 1st at midnight (which would be the night of November 30th) – check the website for more details/rules! See you next week for more songs and more opinions – thanks for reading!

-DJ Lilly, Owner of Resolution Radio

New Winehouse album due out by January 2011


Beleaguered British singer Amy Winehouse has said that her next studio album will be released no later than January 2011, saying  “the album will be six months [away] at the most.”

In an interview with Metro,  Winehouse  also said the album has a similar sound to her 2007 (U.S. release date) Back To Black stating: “It’s going to be very much the same as my second album, where there’s a lot of jukebox stuff and songs that are… just jukebox, really,” adding “I just can’t wait to have some new songs on stage, really.”

Winehouse recently gave a live performance playing on stage with Mark Ronson at London’s 100 Club. And while she doesn’t have a great reputation for live comebacks, Winehouse explained it was because she enjoys freestyling on stage stating, “I tend to write everything first … the live show is pretty much whatever it is for me.”

Do you think she can have a successful comeback? Does it hinge on her ability to remain sober? Are you looking forward to new music from Winehouse?

Hear new music first – HP