Hidden Song Contest Results Revealed


Hey y’all… Sorry I didn’t post these yesterday, but at least y’all had a little more time to get your guesses in!! :)

The hidden songs this week were:

  • “Fade Into You” Sam Palladio & Clare Bowen (just FYI: these are 2 cast members from ABC’s Nashville and they are pictured above)
  • “Dear Old America” Heart
  • “War” Ahmir
  •  “Chemical Ride” 3 Years Hollow

Hope everyone found something they liked!

As for our big winners this week… We have ellamew, superelbow2, and Skillz snagging 250 bonus points!! AND…. taking home the $10 Amazon e-card is ajschick444. Congrats to everyone!

Everyone’s points will be assigned by the end of the day today.

Have a great weekend!

Hear New Music First – HP