Twitter proves its usefulness; spawns collab between Kanye, Raekwon, and Justin Bieber


– Kanye West, Raekwon and Justin Bieber. Photograph: Charles Sykes/Gustavo Caballero/Rex Features/PR/Getty

Many people question the usefulness of Twitter – I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard “What’s the point?” Well, it was because of Twitter that one of the most unusual – or perhaps unexpected – collaborations you can imagine just wrapped up Wednesday night. Who did it involve? Kanye West, Raekwon and …  Justin Bieber!

MTV reports that on Twitter a few days ago West and Bieber started talking about making a remix of the teen heartthrob’s “Runaway Love.” West suggested that Raekwon get involved and less than 24 hours later the trio were in New York’s Electric Lady Studio recording verses.

Raekwon talked to MTV about the recording session saying “Kanye was just being Kanye. He was definitely excited. The energy in the room was already speaking for itself. It was time to get up and have fun on the track together. We was drinking, laughing, being normal cats. At the same time, we had a houseful of celebrities in the house as well.”

So how did Raekwon get tipped off about the remix? Through Twitter naturally. He said his followers told him West and Bieber were talking on their pages about collaborating and had brought his name up. And, he didn’t hesitate to let them know he wanted in.

Raekwon told MTV: “This is a conversation that extended from the Twitter thing. Kanye was having a conversation with Justin over the Twitter. They came up with this great idea to have me involved. I was told to check it out and see what they talking about. They was right. They was saying, ‘This is something Kanye and Justin want to do.’ So automatically, first thing I do is hit them back and say I’m with it. Definitely, it created a movement. A lot of people want to see what could be the outcome to this remix. It’s definitely a hot remix.”

Rae revealed he didn’t have “Bieber Fever” before the collaboration, but said he respects the teen’s work, noting that he recognized the teen’s star quality and potential when he saw him perform last year, and of course has kids that are big Bieber fans.

Are you excited to hear the “Runaway Love” remix with Kanye, JB and Raekwon? Do you think Twitter has the potential to put together some more interesting collaborations between artists?

Hear new music first – HP

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